Many Ways to Achieve a Functional Building.
Whether its sustainable commissioning, LEED commissioning, retro-commissioning, on-going commissioning, or building envelope commissioning, our qualified team will ensure your project functions according to the expected intent.
Commissioning, in any form, is a quality assurance process that includes documentation, adjustment, testing, verification, and training. It can be as simple as verifying the functionality of a single rooftop unit, or as complex as a modern building requires. The commissioning process begins during the pre-design phase of a building, continues through construction of a building, and should continue throughout the life of a building.
LEED says it very well: commissioning involves developing a building operation plan that identifies current operating requirements, conducting tests to determine whether the building and its fundamental systems are operating in accordance with the plan, and identifying any necessary changes or repairs. Once building management staff understand their equipment and how it operates, they will be able to perform the necessary maintenance, and keep the building operating optimally.
In our experience, the most successful projects have resulted from implementing the commissioning process early.